The Return of GamerGrrl

I’m not going to make excuses.  I’ve been absent from this site, I haven’t been updating and I certainty haven’t been doing a good job of talking about gaming.  What do I have to say for myself? Well, I’ve been travelling and gaming.

Last month found me in the US for one fourth work and the rest vacation.  I figured since I was already in the states for my job, I might as well go home to remind myself exactly why I left again.  I have a list of reminders which will be good for awhile now:

– It’s dry.
– It’s windy.
– Nothing has really changed.
– The locals think good sushi is deep fried.
– The local gaming store is only open 2 days a week.

Honestly, I think the last 2 are the most serious offenders.  I want to know who on earth that isn’t in the deep south and in the habit of deep frying everything from twinkies to sticks of butter, would deep fry sushi.  Ok, I get it.  The health department won’t let you serve raw fish.  But deep frying it?? Stick to the tuna and avocado rolls people.

And the game store.  I guess I’m spoiled by the fact that the game store I go to is open all the time.

But now I’m back and I’ve actually been doing loads of computer gaming.  I re-subscribed to Everquest2, lord help me.  I’m playing Diablo3.  I’m still trudging away with Cthulhu Saves the World, started messing with CitiesXL, have several maps on SimCity4, and loaded up Portal so I can get inspiration for a mini Paranoia campaign I’ll be running at the local meetup the next several months.

That brings me to my table top gaming.  The first vampire game after our imposed break will be starting on July 1st once again.  I’ve got that meetup Paranoia game, which will be doubling as a play test for Conception 2013.  Oh yea, and I’m organizing the yearly pilgrimage to Conception as well.  Somewhere in all of this I’ll have to paint the other half’s Descent mini’s and start running the Free Port game again.

And I got a bicycle.

WTB 24 more hours in my day!

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